
[AHK Charter | 中国德国商会包机项目] Fly with us in August & September

Charter 2.0

First Charter Flight landed 

Welcome to China! On Saturday, 191 passengers of this summer’s first German Chamber Charter flight arrived safe and sound in Qingdao (TAO). The next flight will depart Frankfurt to Qingdao on Friday, 30 July.

Availabilities in August & September

We updated our flight schedule for August. Seats are filling up quickly, but we still have availabilities for our flights in August and September. To reserve your seat, please follow the QR-Code below or get in touch with us!

Flight Schedule

*Due to the uncertainty of the situation, there is no guarantee a charter flight can take place as described.

How to Get Your Seat? 

As a first step, your company has to register with us. After submitting the company registration form, the contact person of the company will receive an email with an individualized link for passenger registration and information on the further steps.

In order to start your company registration in our booking system, please scan here:

Further Questions?

For further information, please read the regularly updated FAQs on our website:

or please contact AHK’s charter team:

Email: charter@china.ahk.de

Phone: +86-21 3858 5205

Service Times: Mo – Fri: 9:00 – 12:00; 13:00 – 18:00 (China Standard Time)


Although all efforts are made from our side to realize this project, we cannot guarantee that charter flights will take place as described, as the situation remains uncertain.

All passenger applications are subject to approval by the Chinese authorities. Depending on the cases, PU-letters and demonstration of the necessity of the trip may be necessary in order to be able to apply for visas at Chinese embassies and consulates.

